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浪潮服务器NVME 硬盘通过 Intel VROC 做RAID

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INTEL VROC Configuration solution
1.VMD configuration in BIOS
Processor > IIO Configuration> Intel(R) VDM Technology> Intel(R) VMD for volume Management


Device on Socket 0 “CPU 0”, Intel® VMD for volume management device for “PStack0” or “PStack XX” needs to select “disable” option.



Device on Socket 1 “CPU 1”, Intel® VMD for volume management device for “PStack0” and “PStack1” needs to select “disable” option, “PStack2 ” needs to select “enable” option .
VMD Port XX select “enable” option


Hot Plug able to select “enable” option
Cfgbar XXX: maintain option
MemBarXX  XXX:  maintain option
If you already finished the above mentioned configuration, here after you must needs to reboot the server (because VMD will be started after reboot).


2.Advanced > Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (VROC)


Advanced > Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (VROC) > All Intel VMD Controllers


Advanced > Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (VROC) > All Intel VMD Controllers > Create RAID Volume


3.RAID configuration


Volume name Configuration

RAID Level

RAID level configuration

Enable RAID spanned

Create the RAID spanned volume

Select DISK

Selects physical NVMe disks

Strip size

Strip size option configuration

Capacity (GB)

Volume capacity

RWH policy

RAID Write Hole  policy

Create volume

Create volume button is applicable after finishing all the configure option

(space) or X

[ ]  indicates the disable, X indicates enable



Name    Volume name Configuration
RAID Level    RAID level configuration
Enable RAID spanned    Create the RAID spanned volume
Select DISK    Selects physical NVMe disks
Strip size    Strip size option configuration
Capacity (GB)    Volume capacity
RWH policy    RAID Write Hole  policy
Create volume    Create volume button is applicable after finishing all the configure option
(space) or X    [ ]  indicates the disable, X indicates enable
4.OS Installation(ie, Redhat 7.4)
5.After OS installation,change the boot orders.
BIOS > Boot-UEFI Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities > Select “RedHat Boot Manager”

